The Learning Workshop

The Learning Workshop is a selective event for junior researchers to discuss exciting and unpublished ideas.

Past attendees of the Learning Workshop have included researchers at Google Research, DeepMind, The Allen Institute, Meta AI Research, Waymo, Berkeley AI Research Lab, Stanford University, MIT, NYU, Princeton University, Oxford University, and more.

The Learning Workshop is the spiritual successor to a workshop of the same name at Snowbird, which eventually grew into NeurIPS.

The 2023 organizers are Will Whitney, Amy Zhang, and Jackie Kay. The previous organizers were Martin Arjovsky, Cinjon Resnick, Luke Metz, and Andres Campero.

Past Conferences


Invited attendees will be sent a private registration link. The approximate cost of attending is $600 (USD) and includes accommodation and meals.


Q. I need help with funding to attend.

A. Please contact the organizers directly and we may be able to offer discounted attendance for students who are unable to receive funding. We will not be able to assist with travel.

Q. Can you be a bit more specific about the guidelines for the talks?

A. When in doubt, err on the side of less polished, more thought-provoking. Provide enough background information to get the audience on the same page, but don’t present a research project that already has produced a conference-ready set of results. Several successful workshop talks had no prepared slides, but sparked memorable and productive discussion.

Q. What about COVID?

A. While we can’t predict the pandemic conditions for March 2023, we will take necessary precautions in case of a surge. In previous years we have adapted to different COVID caution levels by holding presentations outdoors, masking in the shared accommodation, and providing limited on-site testing.

Q. What is the housing situation like?

A. Participants stay in shared accommodation, with presentations given in the common space on site. Participants may be assigned to share a room (by default, with someone of the same gender). Please contact the organizers if sharing a room is an issue for you.

Q. I’ve been invited to the workshop and I have a disability/special access needs that may affect the logistics of staying in the shared accommodation.

A. Please let us know whatever you feel comfortable sharing in your registration form and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Q. I’d like to invite my partner to join me to stay with me in the conference accommodation so they can enjoy the surrounding area while I attend the workshop.

A. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough space to accommodate non-workshop participants, so please schedule any vacation with them before/after the workshop (unless you and your partner are both invited speakers).